The CryptoPick DAO

3 min readFeb 4, 2022

We are super excited to announce the first version of CryptoPick DAO is now live! Since the beginning of our journey three years ago, CryptoPick has evolved a lot thanks to you, the Pickers community. CryptoPick was built based on your feedback and suggestions. Being a web3 project, we always expressed the ambition to deploy our DAO to empower the community even more. The wait is over. When an important decision needs to be made about the future of CryptoPick, we can now submit a proposal to the community.

CryptoPick NFTs = Governance Token

This is the first version of our DAO and it will evolve. When we submit a proposal, you will need a CryptoPick account and at least 1 Claw Power to vote. Claw Power is obtained by owning CryptoPick NFTs (skins). Every CryptoPick NFT gives a fixed amount of Claw Power depending on their scarcity:

For this first version, 1 account = 1 vote.
Soon, the weight of your vote will be based on your Total Claw Power, meaning the higher your Total Claw Power, the higher your voting power. We also plan on adding voting power to the Pickies.

How does it work?

You can find the DAO page by going to:
or by clicking on your avatar, DAO has been added to the main menu.

Main menu under the avatar

On the DAO page, you will find two sections.

  • Ongoing proposals:
    Here you will find all the live proposals you can currently vote on.
  • Results:
    Here you will find the results of the proposals that happened in the past.
DAO page sections

When you open an ongoing proposal, you will see all the details and the voting options. Note that by voting and contributing to the future of CryptoPick, you will be earning Pickies.

Open Proposal

A proposal stays open for a limited amount of time. Once the proposal closes, it will automatically go to the results section.

We are looking forward to empowering you even more and can’t wait to see the results of the first proposal!

If you have any questions, you can submit them on our discord channel. Join our discord.

See you on the trading battleground Pickers ⚔️




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